About DRE x Talks

DREx Talks is an alternative forum that hosts talks by renowned dispute resolution experts on a contemporary issue or subject of critical significance. DREx Talks can be hosted by academic institutions, law firms, chamber of lawyers or any other dispute resolution service providers.

The format of a DREx talks is- introduction of the topic and the expert (usually a seasoned professional in the local jurisdiction) followed by the DREx Talk given by the DREx Speaker. This initiative is an endeavor to create a space that encourages critical research and development of jurisprudence in the field of dispute resolution. With a strong interdisciplinary approach working with practitioners from a plethora of fields, this initiative aims to be a public legal resource using conventional and unconventional forms of creating access to information and to foster a platform to enable collaborative and creative models of knowledge production.

Because of its all-inclusive approach, invitation & attendance to these talks will usually be free and ONLY in rare situations will it be “Invitation Only”. We believe in welcoming people from every discipline of law who seek a deeper understanding of dispute resolution mechanisms. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and ultimately the world. We intend to build a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the country’s most inspired thinkers in the field of dispute resolution – and a community of captivated souls to engage with ideas and each other.

Our knowledge partners

Our events in the past have been supported by

Evolution of Resolution